Critical Incident Stress Response Debriefing (CISRD). 

PTSD and trauma related research has found that victims of traumatic experiences are more susceptible to developing PTSD when they have not received adequate validation and/or support directly following the traumatic event. Essentially, the way victims of trauma are supported and their experiences adequately 'processed' in the aftermath of trauma is as equally as important as the trauma experience itself and thus a critical component to the recovery and wellbeing of the individual and/or group of individuals. No one should be left behind. 

Fundamentally, this is why CISRD exists. 

CISRD is a supportive crisis intervention process typically for small groups of 5-7 participants. CSIRD is best described as a structured, crisis-focused and story-telling process, combined with practical information to normalise group member reactions to a critical incident and facilitate their recovery.
CISD is only used in the aftermath of a traumatic event that has generated strong reactions in the personnel from a particular group; such as mining emergency response team personnel who responded to a fatality.

The CISRD process does not constitute any form of psychotherapy.
CISRD should only be selected as a crisis intervention tool:
(1) after a traumatic event has occurred, and
(2) the group members’ usual coping methods have been overwhelmed that signs of considerable distress, impairment or dysfunction is evident. 

CISRD attempts to enhance resistance to stress reactions such as PTSD and build resiliency or the ability to “bounce back” from a traumatic experience. CISRD is essential in the facilitation of both a recovery from traumatic stress and a return to normal, healthy functions.

For more information on this service and/or to make a booking, please contact us directly

Employees Assistance Program (EAP). 

EAP is a voluntary*, short-term psychological support service employees can access for all psychosocial and occupational problems. The cost of EAP is covered by the organisation/employer for a limited number of sessions per year.

To access EAP using DHP services, you must provide written pre-approval from your employer including the number of sessions they will fee-cover. 

*While employers are not legally required to offer EAP, they do have a legal responsibility to provide a psychologically safe workplace, and a duty of care and ethical responsibility to positively promote mental health. Your employer may be able to approve a limited number of sessions for your individual circumstances. 

Enquire here for more information or here to make a booking.